Question 43-47: For each question, choose the correct answer.
Selling flowers
I'm Gina D'Costa and I run a flower shop in the UK. We don’t just sell flowers to people buying them for friends or for their homes; all kinds of customers want flowers. Hotels and offices often have flowers in Reception, and sometimes we take part in photo sessions for businesses by providing flowers for their advertising pictures. Once I even decorated a castle with flowers for a wedding. It took a huge amount of work, but I was really proud of the job we'd done.
My day starts at 4 a.m. when I go to the market to buy fresh flowers. Most people are still asleep then and my friends think I must be crazy, but it's never bothered me - I'm excited about what I do. It's often colder than I'd like, and it's usually dark, but you can't expect anything else at that time in the morning; so I don't let it worry me.
The flower market's wonderful, with flowers from all over the world. The sights and smells make it hard to make a decision. If I was choosing for myself, I'd probably only get pink ones - it's my favourite colour. But I mustn't forget that what I love and what other people want aren't necessarily the same thing. It isn't always possible to find customers' choices - not all flowers are available all year. I'm not so keen on having to argue about prices with the flower-sellers, but it's a necessary part of the job. Flowers aren't cheap, so I have to try to get the best price possible.
Back at the shop we look at customer orders and set up vases with the flowers I've bought. Then we get on with creating bunches of flowers and working out how much orders will cost. Customers are often surprised by how expensive they are, and I sometimes have to ask them to think again about what they'd like. Some people might think this sounds like too much trouble, but I like thinking about how I can put together the nicest possible flowers for the amount of money someone wants to spend. That's what you have to do when you're selling things I wouldn't want any other job!
Question 43: In the first paragraph, what does Gina say about her work?